Patna Cine Festa, an eagerly anticipated annual film festival, is set to fill a significant cultural gap in Bihar starting 19th June to 23rd June, 2024. The festival will kick off with a star-studded opening ceremony, including Arya and Kaala Pani actor Vikas Kumar, National Film Award winner Nilaanjan Reeta Datta, and senior Film Critics Guild member Ajay Brahmatmaj. Renowned director Gautam Ghose, along with acclaimed actors Manoj Bajpayee, Sanjay Mishra, and Anurag Sinha, are also expected to attend.
The highlight of the opening day will be the screening of “Gulmohar,” starring the legendary Sharmila Tagore. The film, which has received critical acclaim, is an apt choice to inaugurate the festival, symbolizing the blend of classic and contemporary cinema that Patna Cine Festa aims to promote.
Organizers, including PCF’s Artistic Festival Director Raviraaj Paatel, are thrilled with this backing and are eager to establish Patna Cine Festa as a cornerstone event in Bihar’s cultural calendar. “This festival is not just an event but a movement to celebrate the diversity and richness of Indian cinema,” Paatel said.
Organized by Cineyatra, a dedicated film society and House of Variety, the festival aims to provide a regular platform for filmmakers and film enthusiasts. This initiative has garnered enthusiastic support from the Department of Art, Culture and Youth of the Bihar Government and the Bihar State Film Development and Finance Corporation, underscoring the commitment to nurturing the state’s cinematic landscape.
Adding to the festival’s prestige, Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Kumar Sinha will inaugurate the event. Carefully selected films that have been showcased at prestigious film festivals such as the Oscars, Cannes, National Awards, IFFI, Sundance, Toronto, MIFF, and others from around the world will be screened.