‘Jhankaar Beats’ will always remain a breakthrough film for Vishal and Shekhar. The composer duo, who started off with the film ‘Pyaar Mein Kabhi Kabhi’, had composed a song or two in films like ‘Kaante’ and ‘Rehna Hai Tere Dil Mein’ but the big break they were looking for finally came around with director Sujoy Ghosh’s debut film ‘Jhankaar Beats’. As the film was a tribute to the late composer RD Burman (two of the male protagonists were die-hard fans of the composer and would do cover versions of his songs in the film), the music, too, was inspired from his melodies. There were original songs in the film but a couple of Burman’s songs (‘Humein Tumse Pyaar Kitna’) were recreated for the film. One of the songs titled “Boss Kaun Tha” was a tribute to RD Buman – the boss in the song referred to the man himself.
Vishal and Shekhar are big fans of Burman themselves and they have said the same in several interviews. The duo had also recreated the late composer’s song ‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’ from the 1977 film ‘Hum Kisise Kum Naheen’ for the Siddharth Anand directed film, the title of which was named after the song. Now, in 2019, the duo has recreated the title song of the Randhir Kapoor-Jaya Bachchan starrer ‘Jawani Deewani’ for Karan Johar’s ‘Student Of The Year 2’. While the original lyrics are by Anand Bakshi, additional lines have been written for the new version by Anvita Dutt.
Interestingly, just like ‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’, a few lines of the original song, sung by Kishore Kumar, have been retained in this one as well. The infectious hook-line, which sounds fresh as ever, is there too. Vishal and Shekhar have done a very good job with recreating the track and just like the original, one expects it to be a rage amongst the youngsters.