Seems Vishal who was introduced with Maachis has gotten away from his jazz compositions (Chai Chappa Chai from Hu Tu Tu and Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar from the film of the same title) and tried a lot of new styles here. We still have remnants of his signature jazzy songs, but Vishal has somewhat lost his touch. This album relies heavily on itīs lyrics which make the songs more entertaining, the music is average at best. This isnīt a good spot for Vishal cause as fun as the lyrics may be, if the music is boring and not catchy then the songs will not hit the charts and audio sales will be low. Never the less there are some good tracks on the album, lets have a look! The album opens with the title track, Love Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega. Now this song is jazz based and very hummable, a great opener to the album, it will immediately catch the listeners attention. The music is foot tapping and frivolous with a very commercial sound. Vishal lets his instruments breath life into the songs, something he is known for. The lyrics are fun, very tapori like, and sweet in a playful way. Udit Narayan and Sunidhi Chauhan have a ball singing the track. Both sound as if they are having lots of fun, Udit as always carries his notes well and sounds fresh. Sunidhi who of late has been belting out some forgettable tunes does an amazing job here. Her vocal rendition outshines Udit as she hits some high notes with a Mariah Carrey type of confidence! This one is a winner. To add to the effect of the song Vishal has also composed Dhan Dhan on the reverse side. This song is a rehash of the title song with a more dark feel. Dhan Dhan follows the same tune, but with deeper darker lyrics which get fun at times and gloomy at times. Vishal experiments with his music in this version, giving way to more hollow sounding instruments that are quiet but noticeable. The Sitar break in the second bridge is set up excellently and shows that Vishal can do wonders for a track with his instrumentation. K. K. renders this version with a lot of verve and at times sounds like Sonu Nigam in parts. This one wonīt catch on, but itīs still a fun listen! Rama Rama is a break from the traditional Vishal jazz and gives us something catchy and hummable! The sound is very funky, itīs like a cross between Taal Se Taal (remix version) and Chal Kheva (from Doli Saja Ke Rakhna). There is a bit of a fisherman theme to the music, listen to it and you will get my drift. The music is heavily percussion based and makes for a fun listen, the Spanish flavour in the second bridge is a delight! Lyrics are fun, but romantic, again adding to the appeal of the track. Sonu Nigam and Asha Bhonsle do a fantastic job with their rendition giving us yet another fun treat. Asha sounds fresh and youthful as always, she is the most versatile singer out there. The likes of Alka Yagnik and Kavita Subramanium should feel privileged that Ashaji has stepped down from accepting awards otherwise they would have none on their shelves. Sonu also does a great job as always, itīs no surprise to see him here, this is the type of track he is a master at! This one will also win you over! It seems remix versions are just as much in fashion as theme pieces are on a soundtrack these days, so Vishal gives us a Rama Rama remix. This track is the same deal as the original but with an addition of a wide variety of dance beats. I enjoyed this track a lot but it pales in comparison to the original, mainly because the music suffocates Asha and Sonuīs magnificent vocals. Still it is clear that this one is made to hop onto the charts and to be played repeatedly in the discos! After those tracks the rest seems to falter heavily, in terms of music, but they get more fun with the lyrics and renditions improve as well. Aslam Bhai is a track which is obviously inspired by Goli Maar (Kallu Mama) from Satya. The track praises the underworld don, and at the same time pokes fun at the filmi underworld nexus, making it an interesting track. The lyrics are laugh worthy, they will have you smiling. The tapori and underworld theme carry the track. Sonu Nigam lets himself loose and has a blast belting out this one. The music isnīt great, although the Acapella sounds are done well and mixed with the guitar terrifically, this track has no repeat value. This one will be picturised interestingly, adding appeal only after we see a visual representation! Get ready for the filmi mathematics, did you know that Love x Crime = Fun? Well this song isnīt really that entertaining musically, but it is definitely fun for itīs singing! Itīs a rock and roll infused qawalli. The overall effect is that there are two songs rolled into one, and although the transitions between rock and qawalli are carried out well, the song doesnīt really entertain. The instruments are a mix of hardcore electric guitars and traditional qawalli instruments, adding spice, but no flavour! Lyrically you cannot help but laugh when Farid Sabri croons īLove Ke Liye Saalaa Kuch Bhi Karegaī in his coarse voice borrowing the hook from the title track. And when his backup vocalists do the same you laugh again! But the repetitiveness of the qawalli bores you until we switch to the more interesting rock theme where Sonu puts his all into a powerful rock rendition which will have you laughing due to the lyrics. This one is an easy skip, but take a listen to entertain yourself first! Dil Mera Dil gets back to Vishalīs jazzy roots, making it somewhat boring. The opening theme with the violins and piano make it sound as if we are in for a love song, but nope! This is a playboy track, made for the player of the film. The jazzy funk music has the Vishal stamp on it, the kind of songs he composes for more upbeat fun songs. Lyrically you cannot help but be reminded of Mambo No.5 with all the naming of ladies and their qualities, and the lyrics make it interesting indeed! Udit sounds fresh and lively and the background chorus uplifts the track very little. This one is fun for five minutes and then itīs forgettable! Socho Kya Karogi is another jazz infused ditty, but its singing is what makes it excellent! Vishalīs composition is reminiscent of R.D. Burmanīs jazzy stuff, but not quite on the same level! That may be the reason why Asha Bhonsle sounds so at home here. Her rendition is seductive, coy, fun and flawless! K. K. joins her for a fresh rendition. This guy can hold his voice well, and itīs a shame that he isnīt featured as often as he should be, he has done an excellent job here! Lyrics as always are fun, but in no way poetic, they convey the dream theme aptly. One canīt help but remember Gee Gee from Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar when listening to this track, they carry a similar feel! This one is listenable only for the singing, but is torture for the music! Love Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega is at best a fun soundtrack, that is obvious from the title of the album. Although every track will entertain you with lyrics or singing, many of the songs on this album loose their freshness after one listen. Vishalīs music is a bit of a let down, we have seen much better from this man, this one is in the leagues of Chachi 420, nothing noteworthy. On the other hand, the singers of each song on this album are having fun, they have done an excellent job in their renditions. That may be partly due to the fun lyrics by Abbas Tyrewalla. Never before have lyrics been so much fun, and entertaining. Iīll gaurantee you this much, you will never hear the word Saalaa so much in one soundtrack! The album will surely do well after the film releases and we have a visual representation for each song. Until then, listen to it on cassette or wait for the film to release! |