The Field of film making is such a field where investment will be in crores, but if the audiences reject the movie crores of Rs got wasted. But after this Producer start his new project with this hope may be this time audience will like it. Ajhai acharya is the makers of super hit films like Ishq, Pyaar To Hona Hi Tha, Dulhan Hum Le Jaayenge, Tumko Na Bhool Payenge, Taarzan The Wonder Car, with stars like Aamir Khan, Ajay Devgan, Salman Kahan, Kajol, Juhi Chawla, Karishma Kapoor, Sushmita Sen & others now bring to you LIFE MEIN KABHIE KABHIEE with director Vikram Bhatt. Not to forget that Ajhai Acharya the dynamic producer of the film who had all along been associated in the making of all earlier films. He has been the pillar and guiding force in the making of this film too. Here is a synopsis of our chat with him during his visit to the capital. Tell us something about your new release Life Mein Kabhie Kabhie?
In this film you have given chance to many new faces but in your past films there were big stars like Ajay Devgan, Kajol, Salman Khan & Amir Khan? At the time of “Ishq” Ajay and Kajol they both were not so old for the industry & in this film Dino Morea, Aftab Shivdasani were know and I was looking for a new faces. Vikram Bhatt is the director of this film so tell us something about your experience with him? Vikram Bhatt is one of the best directors in this film industry who worked very hard. He has already worked with Dino Morea, Aftab Shivdasani although other characters are new but he worked very hard with them. What these people do to achieve and what they want? It is journey of success and failure, triumphs and tribulations, Hope and despair, happiness and sadness and of course who will win the bet among these five friends? So tell us what the actual work of a Producer is, people think that producer only invest money in films & that’s it? Absolutely no, if people think that than it is not true, a producer is not only investor of money but talk about the movie story and also take care about the location for the shoot etc. This film has a big youthful stars, Anjori Alagh & Former Miss India Nikita Anand are starting there career through your film? How do you feel about this? Yes, Former Miss India Nikita Anand and Anjori Alagh daughter of Maya Alagh they both will be seen for first time on big screen and they both have worked very hard in this movie. · Daily many films are being made? What do you say about these films? As a producer I can only say every film has its own invention in which, we can see romance and thrill and if film hits then we start new film otherwise we find out our mistakes and try to improve on them.
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